
Friday, February 10, 2012

Glittering Reverse Half Moon Mani

I did these nails last night!  Talk about in-your-face color!

These nails can be had by painting your base coated nails a bright orange.  I used Sunny Side Up.  Next place punched hole reinforcer on the edge of nails in you desired half-moon size.  Make sure your polish is very dry! I always prefer bigger otherwise its really a quarter moon!  Next I painted alternating fingers with Through the Grapevine and I need a Refresh-Mint.  I pulled off the reinforcement sticker immediately after painting each nail. Last, I carefully painted Magenta Magic glitter polish on top of I Need a Refresh-Mint and used Celestial glitter polish on top of Through the Grapevine.  

Not only am I diggin' this reverse half-moon motif but I love the way the reverse colors turned out as well!

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