
Monday, September 17, 2012

Naild' It Polishes and Nail Tape from Hong Kong

I ran across bottle shots of all of these on Naild' It's facebook page and snapped them up from Naild'its  Etsy shop.  I like them all but Peacock Squawk and Blue Man Goop are exceptional!

I also was in search for a great deal on nail tape and found 10 rolls of tape for under $3 on Amazon with free shipping.  The catch was that it was being shipped all the way from Hong Kong which meant that it took upwards of three weeks to arrive. That was ok...I am patient when I am getting a great deal!

1 comment:

  1. I have some of the nail tape on it's way, & also nail art brushes & dotting tools (which was similarly a great deal) from Japan. They all shipped yesterday (9/17), so I couldn't see how they could possibly take as long as their projected delivery date (10/11 thru 10/29), but maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I should expect them to really take that long?! Have you tried out your tape yet? I've never used any before, at all. So I'm pretty excited =)
